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Label Regulations

How to Label Your Product - Cosmetic Regulation

You have worked hard on making your products, and now you may be thinking it is time to start a business. Before you make your first sale, make sure that your products are properly labeled! The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act and the...

Drug and Cosmetic Regulation Basic Overview-Soap

Soap is a category that needs special explanation. That’s because the FDA’s Regulatory definition of Soap is different from the way in which people commonly use the word. Products that meet the regulatory definition of soap are exempt from the...

Drug and Cosmetic Regulation Basic Overview

The Food and Drug and Cosmetic Act defines and regulates Soaps, Lotions and Cosmetics.The FDCA defines cosmetics by their intended use. Specifically, articles that intended to be Rubbed, Poured, Sprinkled or Sprayed on, introduced into or...

Manufacturing Claims- Made In The USA

With the revival of manufacturing in the U.S., many more companies are advertising their products as "Made in USA." According to new surveys, more Americans would rather buy products made in America, rather than products that were manufactured...

Household Cleanser Regulations

Cleaning products may be subject to a variety of federal labeling and registration requirements depending upon the intended purpose of the product. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Food...